Fedimint Technical Reference Documentation

Target audience

This documentation is automatically generated from the Fedimint source code, and it’s meant for developers, builders and people who want to understand the Fedimint project on an implementation level.

If you are looking for higher level documentation and help, please check:


This is a recently added document and subject of continuous change. Please report problems and submit improvements.


Fedimint is implemented in Rust and consists of multiple Rust crates. On a high-level Fedimint architecture consist of:

More high level documentation is available as a part of fedimint-docs crate.


Fedimint architecture is extensible using a modular design. Fedimint modules can build on top of Fedimint consensus to implement additional functionality and applications.

In fact core functions of Fedimint are implemented as modules:

Some additional built-in modules are also available:

Developers and builders are encouraged to create their own modules. Check “Fedimint Modules” Discussions for ideas and help.

Notable crates

You might consider viewing the following top-level crates:

List of all crates